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Blake Hanney
Middle School Principal
479.521.2366 x 158
Jake Hardin
Director of College and Career Readiness
Savannah Haskins
1st Grade Teacher
479.521.2366 x 137
Amy Henderson
2nd Grade Teacher
479.521.2366 x 137
Donna Hester
K-6 Art
479.521.2366 x 137
Ashlen Hill
7th and 8th English
479.521.2366 x 128
Kara Hill
Human Resources
Jamie Hitchcock
Kindergarten Teacher
479.521.2366 x 137
Alicia Huddleston
6th Grade English and Social Studies
479.521.2366 x 137
Jared James
7th and 8th Grade Social Studies, HS Girls Softball
479.521.2366 x 128
Ashley January
2nd Grade Teacher
479.521.2366 x 137
Kem January
Gifted and Talented
479.521.2366 x 137
Sage John
4th Grade Teacher
Kim Kearns
2nd Grade Teacher
479.521.2366 x 137
Regina Koonce
Middle School Paraprofessional
479.521.2366 x 120
Caitlin Lachney
Arisa Health
Alex Lance
Elementary Counselor
Jordan Larkan
GHS Health, Head Coach JR Football, Head Coach Baseball
479.521.2366 x 120
Mary Larkan
High School Counselor